Creating an engaging, retro-style e-portfolio required both creative and technical problem-solving to achieve seamless integration and dynamic functionality.
Incorporating the Faux Login and Loading Screens: Adding an interactive, nostalgic faux login screen and transition effects with CSS and JavaScript required meticulous timing and design adjustments to ensure a smooth flow into the main content.
Comprehensive CSS Styling: Crafting detailed, retro-inspired CSS to handle dynamic styling, responsive design, and the toggle between light and dark modes posed challenges in ensuring consistency and readability across different devices.
Cloud Hosting with Azure: Transitioning from a self-hosted solution to leveraging Azure Static Web Apps required mastering Azure's deployment pipeline, integrating GitHub Actions, and ensuring secure content handling without manual pushes.
Maintaining Efficient Performance: Ensuring that the website remained lightweight, fast, and interactive while loading multiple external resources and animations was a priority throughout development.